Prayer Requests

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Prayer For Others:
Deliverance, Confession , healing
Submitted By:Rachelle
Prayer Request:My father died years ago and we had a horrible relationship. He was alcoholic and was very mean to my mom and I. I lied to him on different occasions, I dishonored him and even harboring hatred at one point in my heart. When he got sick I told him I loved him but I never asked him for forgiveness for my side of things. I didn't even spend our last Christmas together. I regret these things every day and it's too late to repent to my earthly father. For years things have been really hard on me and I have been through a lot of hardship. I know the bible says honor your mother and father. I wish I could go back! I truly am sorry for ever dishonoring either of my parents at any time. My mom is very sick. She had brain injury and is fighting for her life right now.