Prayer Requests

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Prayer For Others:
Submitted By:Elizabeth
Prayer Request:
I have cancer and chronic pain and my family is in pain too. Pls pray for healing and deliverance. I have been fasting and completed 18 mos we are trusting the Lord turns this situation around Pls pray for this too the Lord gave me in fasting is a spiritual attack and a group of black magicians headed by some persons called Pradeep Ajith and their mentorees Beno and Togi ( all Hindus) are reason for this chronic pain that the doctors have been unsuccessful in controlling. They the Holy Spirit clearly gave me are attacking a group of 3899 Christians and also other good people. All are hurting and in pain. Pls pray for this group and deliverance from Tog and his gang. I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit clearly and in fasting is very clear = HE (The Holy Spirit) gave me that so many people are being hurt by this gang of evil doers. I read this book by Pastor Robert Morris " The God I never knew: How real friendship with the Holy Spirit can change your life" It teaches how to listen and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit clearly and I have practiced what it taught diligently, so I hear clearly. In fasting also is very clear. HE (The Holy Spirit) gave me - so many people are being hurt by this gang of evil doers. Pls pray that we have our freedoms from this group of black magic practicers headed by Pradeep & Ajith Menon (Father & son black magicians living in South Carolina) and their mentoree Beno Togi. We are all in so much pain, pls keep us in your daily prayers. Pls pray for every aspect of the situation ?