Re|Engage Childcare Reimbursement Form

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Re|Engage Childcare Reimbursement Form

THF will NOT be offering on-site childcare for Re|Engage. In place of our on-site childcare we are offering a childcare reimbursement. Re|Engage attendees can take advantage of reimbursement by hiring their own childcare provider and requesting reimbursement online. An added perk of having off-site childcare is that Re|Engage can meet any day of the week instead of the traditional Sunday and Wednesday nights.

Groups can choose to hire a sitter/sitters for the entire class or parents can each choose to hire their own sitter and request reimbursement individually.

Reimbursement Rates: $5 per child, per hour (maximum of two hours) for children 6 weeks thru 5th grade

Family Example: 3 kids @ $5 per child, per hour= $30 reimbursed to parents

Group Example: 8 kids @ $5 per child, per hour= $80 reimbursed to group (1 sitter= $80, 2 sitters, $40 per sitter)

Requirements For Approval

All parents must be in attendance at a THF Re|Engage class for the date/dates being submitted. 

All groups are responsible for hiring and paying for their own childcare.

All approved reimbursement requests can be submitted weekly or monthly. and MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN THE 10TH OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH for the prior month’s sessions. 

Please fill out the form below: